Adolfo Serra gave me the idea to make a book full of Morran pictures made of people around the world. Lynn Louise Larson gave me the idea that the profit could go to a good cause (preferrable something that has to do with dogs).
So now I'm thinking that it might be a book, if there are enough people that are interested, made through a print on demand place on the web, like Blurb (or any other ideas?). We will just add a small amount on the printing cost to give to a good cause, no one else (except Blurb of course) will get any money - not even Morran ;-)
It's a way to promote your work and to donate at the same time.
I was also thinking that who ever feel like it can send their contribution, I can make a webpage to post every picture and links to your websites (or just an e-mail if you don't have any), but that there will be a selection made by a jury for the book.
What do you think? Any ideas or suggestions?
Hi Camilla!
I think that's a pretty good idea! (Thanks for your email!) I definetly would contribute, if I was chosen. Blurb seems good.
Just read an article today of chimpanzees, who where held 15 years long as test animals and now could find a place in austria in a natural build parc for their retirement (and not being killed). At least, they find peace now. I am sure there are many things out for poor dogs, too. I think about...
So, You need my www? anjadenz.net
Many kind regards, Anja
fan vad bra och vad kul!
jag ska göra mitt bästa, men eftersom jag känner originalet så vet jag att det inte blir lätt. kanske ett porträtt av henne och mig när hon fixar min frisyr ;)
This may be something to look into-
A very positive/creative way to help you through this time Camilla- I think that's great! :)
that sounds like a wonderful idea and I also would like to contribute an illustration and buy the resulting book.
Hi Camilla,
I`d like to join, sounds great idea and can be very multidisciplinary.
You can use Autoviewer gallery for online books, you just will need a place to put the files.
Please visit my web-site, I`d like to participate!
I love the idea. :)
Ohh YES!!! I'm in ;-)
Ohhh I'd like to be in too!
Hi Camilla and Morran,
this is a wonderful idea, I would like to participate for a great cause of course, if you wish my work in the book.
Ciao Camilla,
I'm very interested!!!! If you want my work in this project.
Big cool idea! waiting for news!
This is such a great idea. I'd love to own a book like that (and I'd love to contribute if I can create an image that's worthy of the divine Miss Morran!
This is a wonderful idea especially because so many of us love Morran. I would hope that you would also put in lots of your own photos, drawings, art of Morran. I loved the little book you added with your Suitcase Series edition from Uppercase.
I think it is a really great idea and I would love to contribute!
Jag tycker att det låter som en kul idé Camilla och en fin hyllning till Morran! Jag är med om Majorna räknas som around the world :)
It's a great idea. I don't know draw very well but I can share this in my website and with my illustrations friends, but I think you will have a lot of illustrations, Morran is much loved
I would be happy to contribute... :)
it could be a nice book.
A fantastic idea!
I am definitely interested in contributing :)
sounds like a very good idea: a Morran illustration book, I think it will be wonderful and I would love to participate. Morran is such a great model :-)
I think this is a wonderful, wonderful idea, Camilla!
Would love to contribute if chosen!
Sounds amazing! I'd love to be involved. Woofs to Morran. :)
I love the idea and i'll love to participate! I love dogs and Morran it's the famoust blogger dog!!!
What a sweet idea! I would love to contribute something! I'll keep an eye on your blog for further developments! (Morran would be the most fun to paint!)
I would love to do a portrait of Morran! This is a lovely idea!
Yeah!!! I'm in too:D
I would be delighted to contribute.
Morran is such a sweet soul. It would be a lot of fun to paint a portrait of her.
Great idea! I'm all for it and would love to participate!
I love your work!! This is a wonderful idea and i'm totally up for drawing Morran.
would photography be welcome? If so, gosh I'd love to be part of it.
What a lovely idea! I would buy it even if all the money went to you or Morran very generous and sweet of you to want to make it for a good cause. And the book will bring many smiles to many people -- of that I am sure!
jätterolig idé, jag är på!
C, Of course, I would love to contribute. Regardless, it is a brilliant idea! Just do it:)
Jag tycker det låter som en väldigt rolig idé. Det ger en chans för dina följare att också bidra, då det är många bra konstnärer som tittar förbi varje dag.
Jag hade själv älskat att få bidra med något (förutom lasergravyren som du redan har fått:).
I would be honored to contribute/apply, even if I don't make the final cut! I know what it's like to absolutely adore pups of your own and I feel like I know Morran through your photography.
Hi Camilla, this sounds sooooo a nice idea! I'll surely would like to take part of this project. Un bacio a te e Morran da Bologna! :-)
oh oooh! me too! I would love to do a portrait of morran!
It seems as you will have much material to work with here :D
Hej Camilla,
Det låter som en rolig projekt! Jag ska vara med!
what a great idea !! i think many dog lovers would definitely buy the book, and with the great network of artists you have, it shouldnt be difficult to fill the book with a lot of good stuff! looking forward to it! x
Dear Camilla,
we read your post about the Morran-book. We are young illustrators from Hungary, and we would be pleased to contribute !
We just made a little company, it is called MARA factory.
You can check our work on our blog:
Love it..I'll send another one to you/Morran as the one I gave before was done before I met the little pooch. (and experienced Morran's personality!) xx Woof!
An illustrated Morran book, such a beautiful idea!
To support a good cause, that sounds good and i'll love to contribute!
It would be so much fun to draw a Morran portrait.
camilla, beautiful new blog and love this idea.
dear Camilla,
I would love to join although
I never made a portrait of Morran yet
and if I am not chosen
I will buy the book
I have a (not finished) website
and a blog
Is a lovely idea!, Morran is great :)
Daniela (from Chile-southamerica)
I like the idea that Morran image transfer its rights to help other dogs, sounds like fun and generous on his part.
The Blurb is very good. I published my book with them and the colors are very vivid, when I received my book, I like my work in the book, in reality, ha, ha, ha.
My picture I sent you and, if the jury, which governs Morran, decided to include my work in the book will be happy to help a good cause.
such an excellent idea, i would love to take part!! morran is the bestest! :)
portfolio website:
jag instämmer i hejaklacken! ... och är självklart med ... tänker mig Morran à la mina snövit.
what a great idea! count us in, woof:)
It's a lovely idea. I would hope you would include many of your photos of Morran.
Thats's such a wonderful idea.
I'm a graphic designer & illustrator from germany
and I' d like to be in, too. :)
Best wishes,
Wow ! Fantastic idea !
Original idea, Camilla.
I try to do one.
ja ja ja vilket roligt projekt, kör! :)
Guau guau!!
Woof woof!!
I am in!!
A hug for you two ladies.
Great idea! The book is going to turn out wonderful-so many different portraits of Morran!
And raising money for a good cause is always a good idea.
When do we start? :-)
Great idea. I've certainly been inspired to doodle Morran in the past and clearly others have too. I've also used Blurb to remember the cat (he had so many names from previous owners that he only responded to cat and puss by the time we got him). I put everything I had of him in it, which was a lot, and almost none of it good, but it means so much to have it because every blurry shot reminds me of those moments with him.
To have something that has come from people around the world is such a lovely way to mark the impression that Morran has had on all of us. And so great for us to be able to give back what you have shared with us. Even better that that would be able to help other dogs or charity.
I think it's a wonderful idea and would love to participate.
It's a great idea!!
I'm in!
A love bark from Berlin!
Morran!? Oh yes! That would be lovely! Would love the book and maybe even the chance to be part of it. Only something good can come of this...
What a nice idea! You can count me in!
I will buy the book...so whatever you decide it's good for me.
Hello Camilla! Such a long time follower of your blog and your work and after all this time I'm finally commenting. I don't know why it has taken me so long?! I admire all that you do and sweet Morran - love her too. I think this is a wonderful idea and I'd love to submit an illustration for the book.
Oh and I also meant to add that I self published my children's book with blurb.com a few years ago and have been really pleased with the ease of putting the book together and the quality of the construction and the printing. It would also work well if you published through them, since you can post the book to their shop and they can handle all the fulfillment + shipping directly.
hi . i like the idea and i would participate as well.
have a lovely october!
Hi Camilla
I am a true dog lover and have follwed you and Morran on the blogs for some time now. I like the idea too and would very much like to participate if I am chosen:-)
Is there a deadline for the illustrations?
Thank you very much
Greetings from Denmark
vov, vilken bra idé, så klokt! Det finns säkert massor med viktiga hundställen att stödja; jag vet att Lakha Lama, en tibetansk lärare som bor i Danmark står bakom ett projekt med danska veterinärer som behandlar sjuka gatuhundar i Indien. Här står lite: http://www.tibetcharity.se, kolla under projekt - veterinärverksamhet.
Och Blå Stället var stängt idag...
Do you know about this project to help shelter dogs to be adopted?
Photographer Helps Save Homeless Dogs Through Better Photography http://bit.ly/qRLDnG
It is a neat idea.
Ruth Ann
Twitter: @CatchTheBaby
I look forward to participating!
I love the idea!
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